Of the many new experiences that come with owning a motorcycle, learning how to keep it safe from thieves is probably the least likely to cause an adrenaline rush. But that doesn’t mean you should ignore it!

Most motorcyclists are all-but inseparable from their rides, and few things are as heartbreaking as having your bike get lifted by a thief. At Beach Boulevard Motorsports in Jacksonville, Florida, we know how much you love your motorcycle. For that reason, we’ve put together this brief guide so that you can sleep well knowing your bike is safe. If you’re still looking for your first motorcycle, or you need parts, service, or security equipment for your current one, stop by our showroom and dealership and talk to our team of enthusiastic motorcycle professionals. We’ll make sure you’re on your way in style.

Apartments Vs. Residential Streets

Night provides the perfect cover for stealing a motorcycle, and unless you work graveyard shift, that means your bike will be exposed in prime thievery hours while you sleep. Residential streets and apartment complexes have different environments for a thief to work in, but both can be targeted. While you may think your bike safe on your sleepy residential cul-de-sac, you’re wrong. Thieves capitalize on this sense of complacency and target areas full of nice things to steal. Never let your guard down.

Apartment complexes provide their own set of challenges. With so many vehicles gathered in one spot, a thief can scope out a number of different targets before capitalizing on the one with the weakest security and best cover for stealing. Apartments are one of the most common places for thieves to target.

Be Smart

If you want to stop a thief, regardless of where you live, you have to be consistent with using your security measures and intelligent with how you develop those security measures. One of the best steps you can take to keep your motorcycle safe is to keep it out of sight. If you have a fenced-in side yard or backyard, this will provide good cover. If you don’t, a garage or even a motorcycle cover can help to provide a shield from prying eyes. Even if you do keep your motorcycle out of sight, always remember to use your other security measures. Conversely, try to not leave your motorcycle overnight in city areas or large parking lots where a thief will have freedom to disable your safety measures once traffic has gone away for the night.


Locks provide a physical barrier to theft, and depending on the quality of the lock, they can be very effective. Always use your steering lock when you park your bike, and consider investing in a high quality disc lock, too. Thick metal chains can be helpful for locking up your wheels so they aren’t stolen. But a low-quality chain won’t do much good against a thief experienced with a set of lock-cutters. Always go for the highest quality locks you can find with case hardened steel and uncuttable designs.

Electronic Security Measures

Electronic security measures such as alarms and tracking systems can provide a deterrent against theft as well as a way to get your bike back if it actually gets stolen. Alarms have been around for a few decades now, and they’re more advanced and more sensitive to tampering than ever. There’s nothing like a blaring alarm calling attention from everywhere within earshot to make a thief run away. If your bike does get stolen, a GPS tracking device could help you recover it. These more modern security measures provide feedback to your computer or phone so you can track where your bike goes. This information can be used by the police to recover your bike.

When considering security measures for your motorcycle, it’s important to not try to find just one silver bullet solution to the problem of theft. Thieves employ a multitude of methods to steal your bike, so you’ll only be safe if you can have more security than they can deal with. Stop by Beach Boulevard Motorsports in Jacksonville, Florida, near St. Augustine, Orange Park, and St. Johns, Florida. We can make sure you’re set with the best security equipment to keep your prized possession safe.